People who are severely limited in their mobility can now easily read digital books with ABRI, a specially developed software designed to help them access reading.
Version 1.2b for Windows® or Linux is freely available in the download section.
Accessible eBook Reader Interface
Designed to be used with a single voluntary movement, ABRI is a digital book reader in Epub format, easy to use and particularly adapted to situations of physical disability, difficulties in voluntary movements or difficulties with computer interfaces.
An able-bodied person uses the mouse or the touchpad, moves the arm and hand, and thus will click on the interfaces of computer programs. Whether it is to bring up drop-down menus, scroll the page or click a button, the user must make certain gestures to access the information.
For a person who is very impeded in his or her movement possibilities, it is not possible to get the information this way. It is the information that must come to the user.
The screens of ABRI are in "scan mode" otherwise known as "scroll mode". Schematically this is equivalent to proposing a choice, wait for the user to "click" and if he does not "click" go to the next proposal. As soon as you start, the symbols that make up the interfaces are automatically scanned by highlighting. The user just has to press his switch (or keyboard key or left mouse click or anywhere on the surface of his touch screen) when the scan reaches the desired function. (Example of control by a cerebral palsy user on our Youtube channel)
ABRI is also suitable for people who have difficulty with the complexity of computer interfaces. The pictograms that make up the interfaces are self-explanatory. The functionalities are those that are essential to be able to parameterize the reading and read with great comfort.
The user can autonomously adjust the book font size, scanning speed, display mode,...
ABRI has been designed with the following situations in mind: Cerebral Palsy, Locked-In Syndrome, Tetraplegia, Charcot's disease, Myopathy, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis,...
It is a software which is, by its simplicity of use, particularly adapted for elderly people who wish to read without being bothered by computer complexities.
ABRI allows you to use your own Epubs files (without DRM). In the FAQ section you will find useful links to find books without DRM. This MyBooks version creates four drawers on your desktop, you only have to copy your Epubs (without DRM) into these drawers and they will automatically appear in the ABRI libraries.
ABRI interfaces are logical, simple and efficient. No unnecessary functions, just the essentials to read in the best conditions.
INTERNATIONAL : ABRI interfaces are only made up of symbols. ( Affordance, an object's ability to suggest its own use )
This initiative is supported by TechLab of the APF and the ALIS Association of Locked-In Syndrome.